We know its common knowledge that dental cleanings are not the first choice for a fun activity or something that anyone ever looks forward to, but there’s a reason you call our
Bloomfield CT dental office and put yourself in our chair. At Contemporary General Dentistry, Bryan Wilson, DDS, or our dental hygienist, cleans your teeth making sure all deposits of plaque and tartar are removed. On your teeth, inside the plaque, are tiny bacteria that cause tooth decay, bad breath, and gum disease. In addition to the preventative care results in our office the cleaning makes your teeth feel and look terrific. A whiter smile boosts confidence and that’s healthy as well. Once the cleaning is done the dedicated staff at our
Bloomfield CT dental office will answer any questions you have regarding brushing or flossing your teeth at home. Proper brushing and flossing are important ways to maintain good dental health between regularly scheduled dental visits.
Dental Examinations Bloomfield
Dental cleanings twice a year are important for many reasons and knowing the importance of those reasons can make your time in the dentist chair somewhat easier to take. At our
Bloomfield CT dental office, Dr. Wilson will explain to you how a thorough dental cleaning every six months is an important part of maintaining the best oral health. A healthy mouth is like the doorway to the rest of your body and keeping that in good shape puts you ahead of the game when it comes to your overall health. Even most insurance companies recognize the importance of twice a year cleanings because they’re covered.
For patients who do develop periodontal disease, studies support the effectiveness of active treatment combined with a strict maintenance program. For example, in one study, people with periodontal disease who were inconsistent in caring for their gums after treatment had nearly six times the risk for tooth loss as those who kept up with the care of their teeth and gums.
Bloomfield CT dental office boasts a high success rate when professional treatment and proper home maintenance are combined. Periodontal treatment helps nonsmokers more than smokers, particularly when pockets are deep and persistent. Some studies also suggest that periodontal treatment in people with type 2 diabetes helps improve blood sugar levels. Keeping your mouth clean and as healthy as possible will increase your chances of keeping your teeth as you get older. Gum disease is the major cause of tooth loss and you need your teeth to chew properly and basically, keep up a good appearance.
Dental Cleanings Bloomfield
836 Farmington Avenue, Suite 215
West Hartford, CT 06119
(860) 881-2997
By Contemporary General Dentistry
September 19, 2013