Here at Contemporary General Dentistry, we love to show our patients just how beautiful their smiles can be. One way we can improve both the aesthetics and the structure of smile sis with the use of orthodontic services. However, many patients are wary of getting orthodontic services because they do not want to have to wear unsightly metal and wire braces for months, or perhaps years, at a time. That is why we at Contemporary General Dentistry are so pleased to be able to offer services like our Invisalign in Hartford. Invisalign is a state-of-the-art smile correction system that allows you to achieve your smile goals without having to wear the bulky and uncomfortable braces of the past. Instead, Invisalign in Hartford uses clear, customized aligners, that no one will even be able to tell that you are wearing them. The aligners work in sets. You wear each set for about two weeks at a time, and then visit us again at Contemporary General Dentistry to have them switched out for the next set in your treatment plan. Each set moves you closer and closer to your desired end result: a beautiful and healthy, more perfect smile. Invisalign in Hartford can be used to correct the same problems that regular braces can, such as crooked teeth, gaps between teeth, overlapping teeth, and misaligned bites. If you are interested in getting Invisalign in Hartford, simply schedule an appointment here at Contemporary General Dentistry to get started.
If you would like to learn more about Invisalign in Hartford, or if you would like to learn more about any of the other many services available to you here at Contemporary General Dentistry, we highly recommend that you pay a visit to our main website and browse through the wealth of additional information available to you there. You can also always give us a call here at the office or send us a message online if you have any remaining questions or concerns. We are always happy to help you however we can. We look forward to working with you soon here at Contemporary General Dentistry.
By Contemporary General Dentistry
December 29, 2015